6 Tutorials to Improve Your Programming Skills

Computer science is continously evolving. To be successful in this business, we have to stay on track with the newest technologies. Here is a list of my recommended tutorials I read in the last few weeks.

Have patience and persistence. Think beyond the limits.

What does it mean to be a successful programmer? Being a great developer isn’t just about being an expert coder. This article covers ten steps to becoming a professional and successful programmer beyond coding skills.



The next one is a free ebook for Angular 4. It covers everything from the basics, such as

  • ES6 JavaScript and TypeScript,
  • components, services, and directives

to more specialised topics, such as

  • using the router,
  • building custom directives,
  • understanding the principles of reactive programming with RxJS and Observables,
  • how to Unit Test Angular 2 using Jasmine, Karma and the Angular Test Bed.

Although there are some typos here and there (it’s a free ebook!), I highly recommend it. If you are a beginner or already have some knowledge about Angular, this might be the ebook to get started.



If you are finished with the previous one or you already know Angular well enough, you might be interested in the next one. Its a tutorial on how to manage your application state with Redux using Angular 2+ and Typescript. Its well written, suitable for beginners and intermediates.


For a practical example, have a look at this ngrx example application, showcasing common patterns and best practices.


If you work in a team, chances are high you use Git to manage your project. The next website I would like to recommend provides a visual reference for the most common commands in Git. Learn Git with this visual introduction:


Also check out this interactive Git visualisation!


The next one I read was A tutorial introduction to the Unix command line. I recommend this tutorial to freshen up your command line skills or if you want to know a little more about the basics. You don’t need any prerequisites other than general computer knowledge.



I wish I had come across the next one earlier. It offers an unbelievable well sorted overview of 95 Java design patterns and common principles on top. Although, it says Java, my oppinion is that you should read this whatever programming language you are currently using. You don’t have to learn these principles by heart, but you should have heard of them and know where to look them up.
