IT Consulting: Project Overview

Payment Application

Design and implementation of a payment application with order management and customer-based payment processes. Integration and rollout with several existing application company-wide.

Position: Project lead / Backend developer

  • Backend: Golang, Microservices, Rest API, Swagger, Stripe
  • Infrastructure: RabbitMQ, Openshift 4, Docker, Jenkins, Bitbucket, mysql
  • Misc: Hexagonal Pattern, Scrum

Web Portal for License Management

Development of a web portal with Nuxt.JS and message-based microservice infrastructure for management of customers orders and according software licenses.

Position: Project lead / Fullstack developer

  • Frontend: Nuxt.js, Vuex, Bootstrap, HTML, SCSS, TypeScript
  • Backend: Golang, Microservices, Rest, Message-based communication
  • Infrastructure: RabbitMQ, Openshift, Docker, Jenkins, Bitbucket, mysql
  • Authentication: Ping Federate, OAuth2

Microservice Infrastructure for Big Data Storage

Design and implementation of a reliable and scalable microservice infrastructure for big data storage. Metadata validation and CRUD artifact handling.

Position: Project lead / Backend developer

  • Backend: Golang, Microservices, Rest, Message-based communication, Swagger
  • Infrastructure: CEPH Storage, RabbitMQ, ELK-Stack, Openshift, Docker, Jenkins, Bitbucket
  • Authentication: Ping Federate, OAuth2
  • Authorisation: AD Groups / LDAP

Self-Service Web Portal for IT Ticket Automisation

Design and implementation of a self-service web application for automated tasks, such as Jira account and project creation, Bitbucket project creation, etc. with predefined templates. Central permission management for application projects.

Position: Project lead / Frontend developer

  • Frontend: Vue.js 2, Vuex, Bootstrap, HTML, Sass, TypeScript
  • Testing: Codecept, Jest, Puppeteer
  • CI/CD: Bitbucket, Jenkins, Openshift Cloud Platform, Docker (Infrastructure as code)
  • Authorisation: AD groups
  • Monitoring: Kibana, Elastic Search

Sales and Administration Online Platform

Customer Story

Central webportal for company-wide product registration, exclusive content lookup and software downloads for external customers. Data ingestion from several applications and databases to provide single source of truth.

Position: Project lead / Fullstack developer

  • Authentication: PingFederate, OAuth2
  • Backend: Microservices, Golang, HTTP, Rest API, Swagger, RabbitMQ
  • CI/CD: Openshift, Jenkins, Bitbucket, Docker, Infrastructure as code
  • Frontend: Vue.js 2, HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap, TypeScript, Codecept
  • Database: MySQL, Flyway
  • Monitoring/Alerting: Kibana, Elastic Search

Cross-Platform Desktop Application for Resource Management

Replacement of the legacy JavaScript/jQuery website with a modern cross-platform desktop application. Goal: automate and simplify recurring engineering tasks and to provide a software build and delivery automation platform that integrates major applications into the engineer’s workspace, such as Git, Jira, Bitbucket, and Artifactory. Jenkins plugin for build steps and pipelines with Java, Jelly, Groovy, and Maven.

Position: Frontend Lead AraCom / Frontend developer


  • Desktop client: Electron, Angular 7, Typescript, Webpack, HTML, CSS, Angular Material
  • End-to-end tests: Spectron and ChromeDriver
  • Unit tests: Mocha, Chai, Sinon, JUnit
  • Architecture documentation: UML, deployment diagram, use cases, class diagrams, etc.

Infrastructure / Backend

  • Microservice Architecture: Golang, Rest APIs (openapi/swagger), Openshift, Docker
  • MSSQL database
  • Monitoring: Kibana, Grafana, Elastic Search
  • Scrum, Visual Studio Code, Git (Gerrit, Bitbucket), Jenkins, Artifactory, Jira, Confluence

Desktop Application for Tool Management

“App-Store” for clients to get needed tools with one-click installation. Desktop application for simplified app development and distribution. Technical recommendations and implementation on how to improve the existing application. Refactoring of the existing JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS code.

Position: Software developer Frontend

  • Separation into modules using the Handlebars template engine
  • Upgrade to HTML5 and CSS3 (such as CSS3 Flexbox)
  • Webpack setup for project bundeling (ESLint, Babel, ES6 support, and polyfills for older browsers)
  • Functional programming (map, reduce, filter)
  • Frontend: jump list navigation, dialogs (jQuery UI)
  • license management prototype (Java)