Virtual Classroom Concept

Multimodale User Interfaces, Chair of Human Computer Interaction
- Simulation of a class room and human interaction via Kinect sensor.
- Implementation of the student behavior as multi agent system in XML. Visualisation in C#.
- Java, C#, Kinect-Sensor, Gestenerkennung
- Visual Studio 2010, Horde3D, Multi agent simulation Sesam
Friend Finder
Interactive screen with Microsoft Kinect Mobile Android application
Usability Engineering, Chair of Human Computer Interaction
- Implementation of a public display concept for displaying contacts/friends on the campus. Interaction via gesture recognition through a Kinect sensor, RFID tags, or Android application.
- Kinect, Android, RFID-Tags, Java, C#, Face Tracker
- Android-SDK, Visual Studio, Eclipse
Interactive Game: Haunted House
Feedback on smartphone Interaction with Wii remote controller
Multimodal Interaction for Embodied Games, Chair of Human Computer Interaction
- Implementation of a game in C# with the XNA Game Studio.
- Assistance for the rehabilitation process of physical handicapped. Interaction with PDA HTC Touch and Wii remote controller, communication via Bluetooth.
- Implementation of a smartphone app via Windows Mobile SDK 6.0. Extraction of the player from the webcam feed via SSI and DLL.
- C#, XNA, Bluetooth, Wii Remote Control, Windows Mobile SDK 6.0, Gestenerkennung, Web Cam Extraction
- XNA Game Studio, Wii-SDK, Visual Studio
Ride Sharing Manager (Automotive company, 2009)
Softwarepraktikum, Chair of Software Engineering
- Conception and implementation of a ride sharing applikation under guidance of a big car company.
- Communication between vehicle and Glassfish server via webservice over gSOAP.
- Design and implementation of the human machine interface in the vehicle via XML.
- Implementation of the web backend in JavaEE with JSF, JSP, and EJB.
- Conception and implementation of the persistence layer with a MySQL database.
- Glassfish Server, Webservice, gSOAP, J2EE, EJB, JSF, JSP, C++, MySQL, Google Maps
- Netbeans, Visual Studio, Doxygen, JavaDoc, Subversion
Interactive Guide for the Art Museum H2 in Augsburg
Multimediapraktikum, Chair of Human Computer Interaction
- Augmented reality application for an art museum.
- Simulation in Second Life. Interaction with the artwork via RFID/NFC through a smartphone app.
- Persistence layer with information about the artworks realised with J2ME as aSQL database.
- C#, Java, XML, J2ME, Nokia Series 40 SDK
- EclipseME, Open SIM, MoPeDT toolkit for mobile phones, Second Life, NFC, SVN